love life, love adventure, love daydreaming, love new stuffs, love shopping, love food, love coffee, love phototakings and love YOU!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Gdbye to 2009...
It lefts 3 more days to go to welcome a brand new year. I still remember how I welcomed the arrival of 2009... I was in the plane when the moment the clock reached 12am of the 1st of Jan 2009 with my parents and brother... Why in the plane? It was because I am going to further my study in UTAR... For the course, Psychology in UTAR Kampar. And now I am already a Y1S3 uni student. Soon I will be taking my Year 2 courses in the coming weeks.
During the first few weeks or even months in Kampar was kinda tough for me basically... Why I say so huh?? 1st, was the apartment we rented before even had a look at the condition (we rented it before coming to Kampar!). Although it was kind of cheap for the rental fee, but the surrounding at the apartment was quite bad, there werent much residents staying there and the paint of the wall had started to torn out with mosses on it!! It was quite disgusting for me... I am not sure how others see but for me I really dont like the condition at all...
After living there for a week, we managed to find another apartment which was 100 times better in condition and nearer to uni! So, we just moved out without gatting back any deposits for the previous apartment.. Then, time passed again very fast and of course, lots of things happen within those months...
I remembered the 1st day of my uni life, and the first class was communicative english lectured by Miss Joanna Tan with ard 80 plus coursemates sitting in Room B214!! First thing to do was to introduce ourselves... and I found out that only 4 out of the 80 plus were from Sarawak.... I from Kuching and 3 from Miri <--- my lovely hometown... The 3 from Miri were me, derek and meng min, a lady which I knew through my F6 classmate.
Later, we were all gone into buzzzziiiness and tiredness i guess which we need to complete our assignments and midterm and so on.. Of course, after gone through few semesters, those things are no more a very hard thing for me ard... Well, we always have to face them right??
Besides study, it will be the turn to talk about my family... For the first few months, my mummy called me every single night!! It was really happy to hear their voice, listen to what had happen to them so on and so on... I missed my family SOOOO much u know! The "miss" could only be fulfilled when it came to my 1st sem sem break which i only managed to book a thru n flow ticket to Miri for A week... It was short but i really enjoyed and cherished every single moment... And i still remembered how happy was my mum when she 1st saw me till she hugged me so tight at the same time laughing so happily!! Sometimes, we just wont appreciate the love ones untill we have separated from each other...
Happy, frustrated, sad, angry or even disappointed moments were being experienced here... Truely said, all these moments should have been experienced all the time... The point here is how are we going to face them? How we solve them... There is only an answer - ourselves!
Good or bad, happy or sad... still 2009 has came to an end... So, I will just say good bye my fantastic and unforgetable 2009... I did love and appreciate you soooo much... Bye!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
moving out...
Ill be moving out from the apartment I am currently living to another house...
almost one year living here but due to some reasons, i have to move out. from eastlake to westlake...
hmmm... i guess it must be a very tiring day!!
and, after i had done my packing up, i found out that i had a lot of stuff!!!
my cloth - i had to use my luggage, a bag and another big plastic bag then only i can pack every single cloth into them!! wow... i wonder why i brought so many cloths here???? i was supposed to study le... :DDD
Spending money buying stuffs is really fun but it is terrible when come to PACKING STUFFS!!!
OMG.... i felt extremely damn tired .... nvm, luckily its only once in a while :D
moving out to a new house... yeah... i feel very happy bout it act and wonder hows life going to be later??
n oh ya... i had just finished my Cog Psy exam this afetrnoon... not bad i think... hahaha... going to work hard again for my coming CMT exam on next weds...
good luck guys n all the best...
"life is good when u think it is good; life is sucks when u thinks it os sucks... So. love urself and love ur life!!"
Sunday, December 6, 2009
im here again...
It had been almost a month i don't blog... the reason was my laptop spoiled!! ~sob~
So, I only can online at cc... which i cant afford to come online at cc everyday... -- v expensive le!
Just blog a little of my recent life here...
Basically, I am having my sem 3 study week now. And will have my exam starts on 17/12.
Only 2 subjects which are Cognitive Psychology on the 17th and Counseling Method and Techniques I on the 23rd. 2 days before Xmas...
Quite a hard time for me as i am kind of poor now.. haha... no income at all... only got "out"come @@
Anyway, i for sure can survive till the end of the year!!! hahaha... <---- +ve self talk!! Regarding my midterm for my sem 3 ah... i was having mix feeling bout my results... Somehow i felt that there is some "unfairness" in giving the marks... (** not both the subjects but only one of it!!) I don't know why my lecturer gave me such results... I had pondered bout it for days n came out with a thought! First, it is maybe bcause the person didn't act fairly when giving the marks!! which is a "NONO" act as an educator!!! Second, it might be my own fault for not presenting well! BUT... something funny was that i can get the lowest marks in class which was the same with another person who is quite poor!! **take note that im not discriminating ppl here... just telling the facts only. and almost everyone in the class know bout it!! HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN???? In the past, i always achieve well in the presentation but no this time... however, of cox, im totally fine with the marks now... I cant do anything but study harder n smarter for the coming final! * good luck for myself n those who will seat for exam :D From the incident, i realised n learned something... Which was "the world is never fair!!"... why?? we sometimes dont have th chance to get what we are suppose to get! thats very very true! OK... lets skip that annoying topic... so during these days, again, i will not blog that often... felt sorry to my lovely laptop.... :( then ill just wish everyone an advance merry xmas and happy new year :D haha :D i wish that those bad stuff can faster go away then coms the good one awaiting for me in the brand new year ... of cox, work harder, live happier, stay healthier and be tougher and stronger!!! "in my life, i dont see the existence of the word 'FAIR', however, I know that i have to depend on myself if i want to cont my entire life and succeed in the future... and x let ppl look down or underestimate my strength!"
Saturday, November 7, 2009
A reward for myself...
Today was just a bad day for me... I think it could be considered as bad...
Which i didn't really satisfy with myself, what i did and thats why i rewarded
myself during my dinner time...What they called this?? Its a way to cheer myself up!!
Hahaha...Of course, I am happy now and happily studying my long-term memory for
completing my assignment :DHow great it is, rite??Sushi King again... YEAH... I got myself a set of FRY SET <--- which is my
favourite... :)It was the pict from the menu....
The real Fry Set.... Yummy... :D
Salmon sushi with cheese.... It was damn nice... Really!! I am not play play
After a satisfying dinner at Sushi King, i walked around in
Tesco... And you see... another reward for myself also as a motivation for me to
work hard on my assignment and mid-term and presentations.... <----- fyi, all
need to be done next week!!! *SOT liao @.@
Oh ya, above is the nail polish bought from Elianto... named "racing
green".... The name is real cool... n i like it soooooo muchyy... at first, i
thought i was RM 5.00 but when i paid, the salesgirl said it is RM 10.00. A bit
shocked but nvm... i still bought it anyway cox i really like the colour!!
Its GREEN.... my favourite :D
Guys.... here are my collection of nail polish... Not many but do you
realize that most of them are GREEN!!!!
What to do... I like green sooooo much!
From left : pearl colour, dirty green and gold from Bloop.
green, racing green from Elianto.
black and light green + yellowish from don't know. (not sure wats the brand)
Haha... Thats it for now....
Oh yeah.... my next nails colour will be my lovely RACING GREEN! woohoo
Friday, November 6, 2009
The month of SALMON...
Who loves to eat Salmon, can go and grab some of it now...They are also promoting new menu of salmon dish...
Raw salmon sushi - RM 5 each... Normally it is RM 4 for 2 pieces...
Salmon + Fried egg + Rice = nice and yummy dish :D Actually I don't know
whats the name for this dish.... so, just bla for a while... hahahahha
This one ah... Don't know the name too... there is raw scallop &
raw salmon + some vege...
Both of the dish above are RM12.90, but now got RM2 discount for each...
So, RM12.90 - RM2 = RM10.90 <------- due to my lameness...
Well... it was a nice meal... There were others menu like salmon friend
rice, salmon pizza, salmon... and so on...
Salmon lover can drop by Sushi King at Tesco... haha...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
My colourful bag with my brownie in it.... can u see??? his smile was so
awesome and great right??hahha...
yeah, its my new colourful bag!! I liked it sooooo much!!
Y? one reason ---its so colourful!! whenever i look at it, it makes my day :DEveryone has their life, different than others, thats why our lives are so COLOURFUL!!!
Some people just don't know how great are them to live a healthy life! The only thing
they know is BLAME...
~ blaming on not having great day!
~ blaming on not having any friends!!
~ blaming on not having enough money!!!
~ blaming on not having nice cloths, pretty shoes, cool accessories!!!!
~ blaming on OTHERS!!!!!
Wow... a lot of stuffs to be blame on!!
But they never look at theselves, people, stuffs, environment around...
Get some time and pay some attention on it, then you will find out that how great is your life!!
* So, STOP blaming on not having a great life! STOP! STOP that stupid thoughts...
We are the creator of our life! Make the path as colourful as you can!!
Milo Nuggets...
Bought the Milo Nuggets from Tesco few days ago.......Milo Nuggets....
Nothing to do... so i just arranged them in this way... haha :D
Yummy... but very sweet... But who cares? once in a while only.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Now is already Nov... end of the year and it indicates the raining season
isjust beside us...
I am having my dinner at Bamboo cafe now while blogging fora while with my
laptop here. Actually was planning to go to Tesco to get some grocery but the
rain just didnt stop till now... So I have had a nice dinner here with 芽菜鸡 &
I like to get a cup of hot coffee during raining... It make me feel great
and energetic :D
Looking at the rain, I feel a little warm here... <--- Think too much
But really it is getting bigger and bigger now... Nvm, I can still blog
here half way watching movie :)
Monday, October 26, 2009
Another thing i did in Miri is eatting durianssssss....Wow... a lot of ppl don't like durian due to its smell.... One of the
person is my bro... So, when we eat durian, he will go away or keep complaning
that it is very smelly... Hahaha...
They call this mountain durian --- 山榴莲。。。
The special characteristic of this type of durian is it got the taste
of alcohol... :)The Thai durian.... It is very big and it is bigger than my head lo...
:D and of cox much bigger than the mountain durian...
See... One seed is ard bigger than my hand!!! Yummy... This type of durian is
vry juicy...
This one is lukat... Which is almost the sameas the mountain durian...
But lukat has more seeds than the others.. Although it is very small but it can
have around 20 plus seeds inside... Of course, thumbs up for this! :Deven kids also like it very much like Ranee... kawaii while holding the durian with a kawaii smile...
muacksss :)
Hahaa... I wonder why ppl don't like to eat durian.... hmmm... and i read the newspaper said that durian g0t number 5 in the worst food in the world...
Anyway, I still like durian a lot........ muacksssss :>
Having my Y1S3 now... And it is the 2nd week of the sem ard...
For this sem, I only have class for 3 days which is on tues to thurs. Good
or x?
What I can say is it is very tiring... from morning till evening I will be
staying at uni.
Somemore I am moulding for the rest of the week.
It is really a bad feeling when I realise I totally have nothing to do but
just sleep, wake up, eat, sit there doing nothing, play facebook game and sleep
and eat again... Is this call lifeless??
Hmmm.... and I am moulding now also by blogging nonsense here....
Back to the past...
I am listening to Jay Chou's "Back to the past" --- 回到过去。。。
This was the first song that made me start to like Jay...
It was a very nice and sweet og course with some bitter in the song...
Special and unique!
Back to the past? Is it a possible thing for us to do??
We don't have a time machine... so how to go back to the past??
Hmmm... If one day you can have a chance to go back to the past,
which range of the past you want to go??
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Memories of the Past...
When I had nothing to in Miri... I looked back at my old stuffs...Wow... I got back a lot of memories which had been forgotten by me... I had
taken some pict of those memorable stuffs of mine.
Nah... These were all the cards, bookmarks, and so on kept since
primary school till now...
A birthday card made by my best friend, Li Sze during my17th years old
birthday if not mistaken.
A piece of note written by Felicia on my 15th years old birthday with
bunch of cds...
The old RM 1... I got four and all of them were still in very good
This ugly pict was drawn by me during primary 5!! I still kept it till
The white colour cards were my kindergarten report cards and the blue
one were my primary school monthly test report cards... How come I still keep
Haha... there were a lot actually but I just uploaded some of the picts
"Yesterday will be the history, today is a present and tomorrow shall be a mystery..."
2nd Time to Pub...
Last Friday, again I went to Coyote Ugly with my cousins and family... And
of course we sang... This time, not only me and my cousin sang but my grandma
and another cousin too... :)It was just a fun and happy night!Me, my cousin and my grandma.... She looked so happy!
From left : My dad, me and my mum... Why my dad looked so
Haha... This time looked better with the peace sign... :D My mum was very cox
she smiled till can't see her eyes!!
Me and my cousin... With the paper plate happy birthday on it... His birthday
will be on this coming Saturday... :)
Me and my grandma... She looked so cute with the peace!!
This photo was a little dark... From left: my cousin, me holding the
bucket, my grandma and my cousin...
Photo of my cousin from left, me, her elder brother and his newly married
wife...It was a fun night out with them... And now I am back to Kampar and had
started my sem 3... which is a short sem of 7 weeks... Days in Miri were really
fun and happy and they were mt sweet memories though...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Days in Miri...
Nothing much to say but just uploaded some picts I took in Miri...
Ranee with her nails polished by her aunty ---> me lo... :)
Gary... Naked... Haha...
Last wed, I went to meet Miss lee, my colleague when I was teaching in
Chung Hua... :)It was a nice day with her :)
Last night, me, my sis and my cousin. 3 of us went to Coyote ugly to
sing! First time went to pub to sing... It was fun singing there... Haha... From
left was me, my sis and my cousin...Eating durian!! My favourite... See my dad... He has a beer belly now even he
doesn't drink much! hahaa... My two elder nieces and my mum carrying
Gary...Sharon and Valen were playing lantern during mooncake festival
night.Bought myself a pair of highheels... I liked it very much... Still
bought the brand I like the most, Emilio Valentino! Bpught it when I went out
with Miss lee at Parkson.My brother took for me last friday when we went to the restaurant to
have our dinner... :)
Last Sat, we went to a dinner organised by the association my mum joined...
and we join the recycle lantern competiton... A photo took by my sis. From left
was my mum, my dad carrying ranee, me and Valen... with our lanterns... And we
got 3rd prize in it... Haha :D
A clearer look of the lantern made by me and my bro. We used cd,
mooncake box, magazine, and other stuffs to make it.
The other side of the lantern. :) It was made by the cd... Haha... I
had to cut the spoiled disc into pieces and sticked them on the cardboard.
Oh ya... I got a free kettle during lucky draw at the temple...
See... Kolok Mee... Nice... Yummy :)
Okie... lazy to blog liao... Blog next time la :) Hahahaaha....
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
It was a fun day...
Second day in Miri...I followed my mum, grandma and aunt went to the relative's farm at Bakam...It was a nice afternoon with all the fruits and vegatables...Firstly,
The durian tree... Can see the durian on the tree? Quite small right?
Cox the tree was very tall...
Langsat on the tree... I saw it for the first time in my
Granny plucking chilli on the tree :)
My aunt was climbing up the tree to pluck the pamelo!!
The green rambutans...
Sharon smiled happily... haha... What is the name of this fruit? I am
not sure but we called it dalap...Mengkuang tree...
Yam tree...
Ginger tree...
Granny holding the ginger, lime and old cucumber... :)
Pumpkin... Haha... I like it!
Dalap... We ate it there... :) yummy....
Long time didn't go to farm... It was a nice and fun day though... :)