There is too many of ups and downs in life.
What you have expected, it might not turn out to be what you really want; what you have never expected, it comes to you without further notice.
When you were still a small kid, you will just keep wishing that you can grow up as fast as possible. But when you are now being a grown up, you start to regret why aren't you still a small, innocent and happy kid?
You always think you are who you are, but you become no on when something strikes you.
The only thing you want is find a place to hide yourself!
Looking at others complaining about how worse is their lives, how terrible is their day; you think to yourself :"Are you really having such a suck life?? Are you? ARE YOU?"
However, when come to you having all these set backs, you eventually know how it feels.
When you are having all the things moving as you wish, you feel happy; but in turn, you never look at the positive side of all the bad situations you are undergoing.
People is somehow just so negative at some point in their lives.
Always look at the bad side rather than the good one.
Ups and downs, there is just too many to await for. Throughout your lives, there will be infinity of ups and downs.
It is alright to have fallen down once a while, as long you get to get up as soon as you are ready.
Life is full of question marks, never ever can we predict what will happen in the next second.
The only thing you must learn is to be STRONG!
To be strong enough to accept all the good and bad, to be strong enough to be resilient and to be able to continue your life again.
So, just Be Strong!
"What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful." - Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
love life, love adventure, love daydreaming, love new stuffs, love shopping, love food, love coffee, love phototakings and love YOU!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
My last sem break with a surprise comeback for my parents... wahahaha
I was fully enjoying my very last semester break back in my hometown - MIRI.
Almost one month staying with my family and friends, I felt so REFRESH!
For sure, I wont talk much but will let the photos talk!
Two little monkeys of mine :D
red bean ice mix :)
i love the two little one with superb big sunglasses ^ ^
us, sitting at the bus stop while waiting for my elder nieces class dismiss :D
Cinema night out with my parents, we went to watch Nasi Lemak 2.0
Kite Festival in Bintulu - my second niece :)
mandy with me at old town :)
secondary school mates gathering after dont know how many years :)
with my lovely friend, hui kiong :)
annie and me :)
sing k at season with ex colleagues :)
satayssss at sajian warisan... i love mutton satay the most... yummy :)
with my previously interned company's Hod, ms wati :)
my teacher--mdm tan :)
woot... jogging early in the morning before my departure back to kampar :)
my lovely grandma.... so cute of her if u notice her eyes!! :)
group photo before departing :)
I was really enjoying myself in Miri yet busy with my data collection from teachers.. but still, I have learned a lot, reflected a lot of insight within me. All i can say is it was such a great moment and experience :D
Friday, October 21, 2011
Good Life? Positive Psychology?
I am taking a real newly introduced course - Positive Psychology this semester.
It was introduced by Martin Seligman in year 2000.
Most of the time, when comes to psychology, we have a general idea that it is all about curing mental illness, negative emotions and obstacles in day-to-day life.
It is not just about the bad side of human BUT the GOOD one as well.
Through the introduction of this course, I get to know more in depth with WHAT IS POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY.
How to have a good life? What is a good life? Who am I and what is my strength? How to pursue my goals and live a happy life? How happy am I today? Am I really that happy like what I have said?
Positive... I got reflected a bit at the end of the day, somehow, we can just be so peaceful, so calm by accepting what is coming to us.
This afternoon, I was having my first-ever tutorial class with only ME and the tutor. Cant believe I will have this kind of experience for being the one and only student in that particular tutorial.
I can say that it was really a good and maybe I shall say it is the best tutorial I have had. I get to reflect a lots of my thoughts, disclose a lots not like other times.
After the class, I was walking all alone in such a beautiful yet peaceful surroundings.
Life can be just so simple yet contented!
What more to say a GOOD Life??
To have a good life, it is an ongoing process, no destination towards the end.
A beautiful quote of the day "Study Positive Psychology not for the sack of passing the exam but to relate it to your life", by a nice tutor!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Fly Away
At this moment, I just want to fly away. Fly away to nowhere.
Let the wind bring me to a new place.
Just like a dandelion, blew away by the wind, no direction to where it wants to be.
Just bring me along, to nowhere in the future.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The last paper of the semester
I am now preparing with my last paper of this semester - Substance Abuse.
Looking at the name, you will know a lot of memories are NEEDED!
Yes, I have to memories types of drugs, drugs name, the route of administration, the low, high and overdose, the withdrawal, tolerance and so on...
Not only that, have to also know about the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and recovery program.
Just hope it will go on smoothly.
Infinity good luck for myself and those who take this paper.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Received my belated mooncake :)
I was so flattered that I received my belated mooncake from my housemate, sook yen and my boss.
So happy that I can eat mooncake this year ^ ^
Mooncake fever!!!
So happy that I can eat mooncake this year ^ ^
Mooncake fever!!!
Cheesy choc-oreo gave by sook yen :)
So nice right? black in colour somemore... ^ ^
The inside filling. Cheesy cheesy... Love it to the max!!! I love cheese!!!
I got two of this flavour. Pearl of prosperity mooncake by my boss. ^ ^

The inside filling pandan, lotus and egg yolk... yum yum....
Dragon fruit + pandan mung bean mooncake... :)
This is how it looks like... pinky red and green :D
I love mooncake i love it to the max... :D
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Once in a while, I will like to eat YOU.
Its not good to frequently eat fast food. however, eating it once in a while is acceptable.
I love McD!
Breakfast or other meal.
McD McMuffin with egg and a cup of Arabica coffee without sugar and creamer. :D
Once in a while, I will love to have you as my breakfast..
Once in a while, I will love to have you as my breakfast..
What a great start in the morning with such tempting meal. :)
Monday, September 12, 2011
Happy Mid Autumn :D
Happy MidAutumn.... Everyone :D
Went to celebrate at Vegas just now.
Not really celebrate but just had a light dinner there ^ ^
My lemonade
potato salad... nice!
obama burger :) the fries were v nice ^ ^
After dinner, went cycled around to check if there is still any mooncake for sell. SADLY, there wasnt any!
And guess what, I received the one and only moonBREAD that you can never have in every single corner of the world!
A VERY nice and sweet MOONBREAD! love it....
Hehe... at last, my mooncake celebration for this year is still not bad! got moonbread to eat :D
Wat Tan Hor
Was eating Wat Tan Hor for few days.
Thanks to my two wisdom tooth! So painful that I can hardly chew properly.
So I have chosen to eat Wat Tan Hor.
This is the Wat Tan Hor from Loong Foong Kook. But Seng Yip's is nicer :D
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Cant live without "YOU"
Having my final now... and it is also a reason for me to stay up late in the middle of the night.
TO study of course....
So, in order to stay awake to study, I need some stimulant to make sure I can stay awake :D
Which is my lovely "Coffee"
Oh no... Coffee is one of the stimulant (a type of drug!)
So, I guess I can be considered a drug addict now!
Coffee Addicts to be exact!
Hahaa.... But who caresss???
Just enjoy the aroma and the uniqueness of coffee is so great to be alive!
Cant even resist to take a sip of it becox of those "LOVE" ice cubes... XD
Coffee... I really cant live without you already.
"Coffee is my life!"
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Miss them :)
My mum they all went to Bintulu last week during the Raya Holidays. Together with my aunt... So fun lo them.... Went a whole bunch to trip...
I have to lock myself in the room to study... wahhaha ^^
Brother sent me some photos they took during the trip... Looks happy so I want to share my happiness here too... Practically, I am missing everyone of them :)
From left: Mummy, Cousin's gf's mother, Granny, Cousin's gf carrying Gary, My eldest niece (Valen), Sharon, Ranee and my aunt, her husband and my daddy (Dont know why he look down on the floor and somemore only half of him been captured in this photo..)
What a big group of family... Hahaha... So nice right?? They went to the zoo there but so sad, the animals are all so "Skinny" and "lack of nutrition" one!!!
Some photos for the Very Sad Zoo!!
I have to lock myself in the room to study... wahhaha ^^
Brother sent me some photos they took during the trip... Looks happy so I want to share my happiness here too... Practically, I am missing everyone of them :)
From left: Mummy, Cousin's gf's mother, Granny, Cousin's gf carrying Gary, My eldest niece (Valen), Sharon, Ranee and my aunt, her husband and my daddy (Dont know why he look down on the floor and somemore only half of him been captured in this photo..)
What a big group of family... Hahaha... So nice right?? They went to the zoo there but so sad, the animals are all so "Skinny" and "lack of nutrition" one!!!
Some photos for the Very Sad Zoo!!
Ostrich... Can you see the skinny pairs of legs?? I wonder how it stands still...
Deer? Omo.... Pity them... so skinny...
The one and only tiger... Yet sleeping like a PIG!
Woooaaahhhh.... I am so scared of this "tiny little baby" CROC!! *sacarstic*
Monkey... He must be thinking "Where is the tree for me to climb???"
My two little niece and nephew... Playing so happily after they went to the zoo... Can you see the innocent smile on their faces??? I love it!!
Gary so naughty.... Climbed on my dad's back... Hahahaa :D
Another naughty girl! They always do that to my dad... Hahaha... *Last time, when I was small, I was like that as well.... So nice to see them like me :)
Dinner during my mum's birthday. Gary and my lovely granny :)
My granny and grandpa... Thanks to them for "creating" my mum and later "create" me!!
Avocado... Wahaha... My dad's piece of work!
OooOOoooooOO... I miss them lots... Glad to have family like this... Loving me all the time!
Waking Up in A Great yet Comfy Morning...
Morning peeps...
Today I wake up at 7am... So early ho?? I seldom wake up so early but today is different...
I have something that needed to be completed... Will go and get back my research questionnaire later from the secondary school. Hopefully the teachers have all done my questionnaires...
Afternoon and evening got to work. So, today shall be a tired day.
Anyway, I feel glad that the sunshine is so bright yet very warm. Love it max!!
Have a great day peeps...
For those who are still sleeping, happy sleeping!
For those who are struggling with finals, happy struggling but not to tense up by it!!
For those who do nothing, better go find something to do.
Cheers... ^...^
Today I wake up at 7am... So early ho?? I seldom wake up so early but today is different...
I have something that needed to be completed... Will go and get back my research questionnaire later from the secondary school. Hopefully the teachers have all done my questionnaires...
Afternoon and evening got to work. So, today shall be a tired day.
Anyway, I feel glad that the sunshine is so bright yet very warm. Love it max!!
Have a great day peeps...
For those who are still sleeping, happy sleeping!
For those who are struggling with finals, happy struggling but not to tense up by it!!
For those who do nothing, better go find something to do.
Cheers... ^...^
" Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. "
~ Og Mandino ~
Monday, September 5, 2011
Siew Pau from Seremban
Since the first time I tried siew pau from Seremban, I had fallen in love with it!
Thank you so much to Mei Yen (my friend from Seremban) who bought this back for me... :D
The shop for the siew pau is Qi Mei. ^ ^
Five siew pau... Got original flavour, vegetable and mushroom flavour... Mei Yen was asking me is it I buy 5 siew pau because of SS501?? As they are 5 of them as well.. I was like "Ya ho.... I think maybe it is really because of them that influence me to buy 5!! wahahhaa..." *sot jor @.@
Yummy..... :D This is the original siew pau... I love the original the most!!! The skin of the siew pau is so crunchy and smell so nice. Not to mention it is full of the filling in it!! yummy yummy ^ ^
Love Siew Pau!! :)
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