Hey guys.... Im here again... today gonna talk about my Ipoh Trip with my best friend, Alice...Alice is studying in UPM and has started her 2 mths holidays... *I wish I have too but sadly I only got 3 weeks sem break...
Alice came and visited me on this Mon by Ktm. Even its my exam week but nvm...I will just enjoy the day first. Aha... So, we spent the 1st day she at Kampar by preparing our dinner...1st, we went & buy some grocery from Tesco... Guess what??? Alice doesn't know how to cycle, and I failed to bring her along with me using my bike.. At the end, we WALKED... -sad-
I forgot to take the pict of our food for the dinner... So, just fyi that we ate clam(which were supposed to be prepared by Derek but he kept playing the games!! So, I was the one preparing it...Hoho...), then we eat the long bean cooked by Alice, whom did not cook for the past few mths(Still very nice... just the way she cooked the dish was quite funny... Oopss!! Hope she won't see this...Haha...), the last dish was the beancurd soup... which was prepared by me too... Shockingly, the beancurd we bought from Tesco are quite weird! After boiled, those beancurd had changed the shapes totally... It was so different from Miri's beancurd!! *I must get some beancurd back from Miri when I go back for my holiday... Haha... "Miri's beancurd, I will be coming to U soon!!!"
Second day - My "Date" with Alice in Ipoh...
We had actually planned to wake up at 8am n went to Ipoh at 9am. However, pigs like us only woke up at 9... Before departed, we had our breakfast....

This were our breakfast... bread with tuna, black pepper cheese and egg... Yummy!!
My Coffee... Nescaffe 3 in 1 regular... I drink this almost everyday...
Alice doesn't drink coffee, so she had her lemon tea from Cameron Highland.After breakfast, we walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus to Ipoh...At around 12pm, we reached Ipoh Parade...We walked around to look for the stuffs we want...Yeah!! Shopping time!After an hour, we were quite thirsty. Hence, we went to a cafe to get some drink. I regretted for going there.... The drinks were not nice at all!
Alice's orange juice but turned out to be mine bcox she didn't like the taste at all... It was so terribly sour! *Eww...
My kiwi juice but I had given it to Alice... The colour was kinda weird...Luckily the drinks didn't really ruin our mood... Aha... We also went to a shop opposite Ipoh Parade, called the "100yen". I like the shop a lot, it sells all the stuffs imported from Japan. Got snacks, kitchen utensils, kids food containers, stationeries, gardening stuffs and so on. I will take the picts for you if I go there again...Around 3pm, our stomaches were calling us again... So, we went to the restaurant inside Ipoh Parade.
This was the restaurant, "Moven Peak" also known as "MP"... I like the decorations and the environment at the restaurant. The waiters were very nice and friendly too...The restaurant offers either steam boat or ala-carte style. So, customers can choose either one of it. This time, we chose to eat the ala-carte style... haha
This was the place for customer to enjoy their steam boat... I like it...
It was the restaurant's tissue... Haha... Took this pict for fun!At last, our food arrived... Lets eat!
This was Alice's "black pepper udon", lacking of black pepper taste. The chef put too much chilli... We guessed...
My "spaghetti marinara", I asked to chang the prawn to squid... Wow! Lots of squid... I LOVE squid! Just the fish tasted a little weird.. Overall was still ok for me...
Alice's "papaya milk".... Pinkish red... Very nice.
Again... I ordered coffee! Its the "white coffee". Its was very nice compared to the one I ordered at the other restaurant last time... I love it!!Next time, I will visit the restaurant again for the steamboat!!! yeah...We reached home at around 7pm. Then, we went to new town through Utar! Alice wanted to have a look at my uni... After eating our dinner, we went home and later at night, we went out again to the mamak opposite my house... It was her 1st time hanging outside till 2am cox her uni had set the rule that students must stay at the hostel before 12am.... Pity!!The 3rd day...After my exam in the morning, I called Alice asking her whether she reached Ipoh already(She is going to visit her coursemate who lives in Ipoh). But she told me she still at my house because of some reasons...So, before she leaved to Ipoh in the afternoon, we went out and have our lunch at KFC.There was a stall at the walk way at Tesco selling souveniors made by those disabled.
It was a centre built for those disabled children nine years ago... The name is "Beautiful Gate Foundation For The Disabled". There are 6 centres built in Petaling Jaya, Kepong, Kampar, Seremban, Melaka and Klang...Alice got me a keychain make by them... It was a bicycle... Haha...Here is a shot for the keychain.
Very cute right?? It was only RM 5.oo...They sells bookmarks too... and other souveniers...Guys, if you are free just drop by Tesco and get something from there... Its for charity!! Charity!! Haha...So, Alice had gone to Ipoh and she will be going back to Miri on this Saturday... Hmmm... I just can't wait to go back to Miri... Then we will hang out again with the other friends... But I still have to sit for my exam... T.TAnyways, I was really having fun with Alice... Haha... And I was very happy that she came & visit me... I appreciate and cherish it as I always do. Friendship, the one that all of us must have! Always cherish your friends... Hehe...
I'm here again to update a new post after my head almost exploded looking at those stupid text books...Haha... : )
Yesterday(Wednesday) was the most energetic day for students like us in Kampar. Why? It is because this is the day where we can go for pasar malam...Wow... Pasar malam, I like it... Kampar here besides Tesco (the only supermarket!!), the second place we can go for is the pasar malam held on every Wednesday night!!!
God Bless Us!! Yesterday's weather was extremely nice... No rain at all and it was very windy outside. So, four of us started cycling at around 6:15pm from east lake to new town. Actually, there was a short- cut road can be use to reach new town. However, we took this chance to cycle all over from our house to Utar. Then passed by west lake to new town. *What a long journey is that??
Anyways, we got do some exercise(cycling) and took some beautiful scenery when we were on our way to pasar malam...
This small little "kid" was me... I looked like a primary school kid in this pict... Derek said I'm like a boy cox I covered my hair with the red cap... Aha... -funny-
This pict was a bit dark... Camera man didn't have skill one.... Oops... Sorry Mr Bong!!

Me and Ai Ling, our Big sister... Posting for a shot at the park between Utar and West lake. There is always people fishing there.
Those colourful houses were west lake. A lot of Utar students live there.
This was the place we went for - The Pasar Malam.
Lots of cars parked at the roadside. Their owners all went to enjoy their dinner already...
It was my turn to enjoy the delicious food at pasar malam.
This was the first stall at the main entrance of pasar malam. The Coconut Stall, we liked the coconut drink. It was so refreshing and sweet. Some more, it was good for us who had just have a long ride from east lake to here. Haha... You can choose the drink either with or without ice. The price is only RM 2!! Cheap & nice drink. Healthy too...
Guess what is this? Its fried ice-cream.... I curi-curi took a shot when the uncle was frying it.. This fried ice-cream was very different than the one I ate before. The one I ate was ice-cream wrapped with yam. But this one was ice-cream wrapped with something like flour. This was huixin's fried chocolate ice-cream costed RM1.50. She said it was quite nice..

Pasar malam got different stalls, there was a stall selling "balls"- fish balls, meat balls, chicken balls and others like sausages, taufus etc. We bought RM 2 meatballs which they sold RM1 for 7 meatballs. Ai Ling and Huixin bought a pkt of seafood taufu and a pkt of salami. Haha...
Move on...

This were the Little Octopus Sticks.There were 2 different flavour, one was the octopus with original taste and another one was with wasabi. It was RM 2 per stick and there were 2 little octopus on it..
My favourite stall - The "loklok" stall... Yeah... Every time go to pasar malam I will go there. There were different sticks of foods and each of them only costed for RM 0.50... Damn cheap rite??
A clearer view for the food there. From the top were the jelly fish sticks and chicken meat stick. Second row were crab stick sticks and fish cake sticks. The bottom one were two different types of meat sticks.
Yeah!! My favourite stick - clam.... Haha... Fyi, there were 3 types of sauce for u to eat with the sticks which were peanut sauce, peanut with chilli sauce and last but not least, sweet & sour sauce. I ate the clam sticks the most and it was nicer to eat with those sauces...Thumbs Up for my lovely, yummy clam stick!
Besides those I had told u, there were still a lot of different food sold at pasar malam. Moreover, there were stalls selling shoes, cloths and also stuffs like kitchen utensils. Some stalls sold any of their 3 products for only RM 5... Damn damn cheap!! Haha....
There is 3 purposes for me to go to pasar malam which the first is to eat. The second is to eat and the third is to EAT too!!! Hehehe... *wink
Oki... have to head back to my study again... bye...
This week is the Utar study week for student like us... n the upcoming week will be the final exam week!!! Omg!! I still got a long way to go to finish my stupid extremely thick psychology and counseling text book.... ( Chinese always say " 平时不烧香, 临时抱佛脚 " -don't study always, only study when exam is near..) Haha... What to do? Im always like this... * hopeless...
Sitting besides the table for hours really make me wanna "HTMC" (in Cantonese means hem tou mai chiong).. I felt damn bored looking at bunches of words, words, & WORDS!! So, to get rid of this bad feelings or prevent myself from moulding... I went out n start to become an "old lady" (means those elderly who like to look outside from the house n enjoy the beauty of the nature)
Guess what?? I found out that the sky out there is very nice!! As I like to take photos, of cox, I wont miss out these golden chance... hehehe... Camera pls... (Fyi, my hp camera couldn't function already, that's y I need to borrow hp from that Mr.Bong to cont my taking picts activity..) I wish to get a new hp as soon as I can... the matter is "no $" ah!! -sob-
People... Lets have a look at the picts I'd took...
The Kampar's Sky Shot!!

See...This was where the rain is coming soon.... Recently, Kampar rains a lot.... *sigh..

Wow... Sunset.. This was very fantastic!! I really like this 2 shots...a lot...
Another sunset scene, I took this pict after I'd finish my dinner at Sushi King... Hoho... Got nice food and beautiful scenery... Wow, my life is getting more & more colourful in Kampar!!

The weather in Kampar is very unpredictable... It changes from time to time... This was a shot captured when I was moulding half way studying...
Life in Kampar is quite boring other than study. However, there is beautiful scenery around that other places might not have.. Haha... So I think I'm very lucky to have come here n study... A better environment can improve the quality of my life... This is what the city ppl cannot get in their busy city life...
Therefore, lets enjoy our life to the fullest half way moulding in the studying process! aha..

Well, this will be my first blog..
Fyi, I have been thinking whether i shall get a blog written in english since i have had one in chinese version... haha... My frens ask me to get one cox most of them dont know how to read chinese! Hehe... Finally, i start with this - 1st blog of the day..
Nothing much to say, but in the future, i will like to share with you about my life, what i had gone through and also some perspective of mine on certain things. The most important one - photos.... which for sure will be uploaded here..
* I like to take photos.... any photos...
Oh ya..why i put "the pumpkin's day" as my blog title... hahaha.. Hmmm...1st, i think i lik pumpkin a lot... i like its appearance, i like to eat pumpkin especially pumpkin soup!! Wow, i like it soooo much.. Another reason is that one of my friend says that im like pumpkin! Why?? Get to know me and you will find out why.. haha...
Btw, lets look at the pumpkin, the appearance is like so ugly, but it tastes so nice n nutricious too... thats why i lik it so much.. It is similar to those who seems nothing special at their appearance but honestly they are very special in how they live their lives, how that communicate and how they treat others... ha..
I like pumpkin, how bout you?? :)