Kampar's Sky...
This week is the Utar study week for student like us... n the upcoming week will be the final exam week!!! Omg!! I still got a long way to go to finish my stupid extremely thick psychology and counseling text book.... ( Chinese always say " 平时不烧香, 临时抱佛脚 " -don't study always, only study when exam is near..) Haha... What to do? Im always like this... * hopeless...
Sitting besides the table for hours really make me wanna "HTMC" (in Cantonese means hem tou mai chiong).. I felt damn bored looking at bunches of words, words, & WORDS!! So, to get rid of this bad feelings or prevent myself from moulding... I went out n start to become an "old lady" (means those elderly who like to look outside from the house n enjoy the beauty of the nature)
Guess what?? I found out that the sky out there is very nice!! As I like to take photos, of cox, I wont miss out these golden chance... hehehe... Camera pls... (Fyi, my hp camera couldn't function already, that's y I need to borrow hp from that Mr.Bong to cont my taking picts activity..) I wish to get a new hp as soon as I can... the matter is "no $" ah!! -sob-
People... Lets have a look at the picts I'd took...
The Kampar's Sky Shot!!

See...This was where the rain is coming soon.... Recently, Kampar rains a lot.... *sigh..

Wow... Sunset.. This was very fantastic!! I really like this 2 shots...a lot...
Another sunset scene, I took this pict after I'd finish my dinner at Sushi King... Hoho... Got nice food and beautiful scenery... Wow, my life is getting more & more colourful in Kampar!!

The weather in Kampar is very unpredictable... It changes from time to time... This was a shot captured when I was moulding half way studying...
Life in Kampar is quite boring other than study. However, there is beautiful scenery around that other places might not have.. Haha... So I think I'm very lucky to have come here n study... A better environment can improve the quality of my life... This is what the city ppl cannot get in their busy city life...
Therefore, lets enjoy our life to the fullest half way moulding in the studying process! aha..
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