love life, love adventure, love daydreaming, love new stuffs, love shopping, love food, love coffee, love phototakings and love YOU!
Yesterday dinner... :) Vegetable, seaweed soup and steam minced meat with egg.
steam minced meat with eggDoes it look nice??The fact is it tasted nice, smelled nice and EASY to prepare!Ingredients : Minced pork, egg, suitable amount of salt, soya sauce, 2 eggs and 冬菜 (Pickled vegetable)Steps : 1. Mix the minced pork with salt, soya sauce and 冬菜.2. After mix well, put in the eggs and mix again.3. Steam for 15 - 20 minutes. DONE!Easy to prepare, not oily yet healthy. :)
Today's lunch was "cloud swallow". :)I also not sure why it is called like that in chinese.We were not eating it outside but at home. We made and cooked it!Ingredient : Minced meat, skin of "cloud swallow", water, salt, soya sauce, garlic, vegetableHow to make 云吞 : 1. Mix the minced meat with salt and soya sauce according to your taste.2. Wrap the meat with the skin of "cloud swallow", then stick it with water.How to make the soup : 1. Fried the garlic, boil a pot of water.2. After frying the garlic till brownish colour, put into the pot of water.3. When the water boil, put in the vegetable and the "cloud swallow".4. Wait for few minutes, put in suitable amount of salt and DONE!Preparation time : Less than 1/2 an hour.Easy yet delicious! :)Raw "cloud swallow"Boiling in the pot!!Cooked "cloud swallow"....YUMMY!!
Everything starts from the beginning of the day...This morning was my 1st time having McD breakfast in Kampar before going to class. Apparently, I was late to the first class so I decided to have my breakfast at McD. So, my first time gone just like that... (Sounded so wrong le...)My Mc Muffin with egg + Arabica Coffee... Yummy :)My shadow.... :)My new pet - Snakey or known as 蛇蛇...Approximately 15cm length... :) What is it actually?It looks like a snake but the fact is it is not! Its a type of African fish - rope fish/reed fish/snake fish.It is only about 2 to 3 months old. I was in love with it for the 1st sight!! :DHe got a very pretty body with golden yellow scales.So he (not sure its gender but prefer it to be a "he") is officially mine!! :)Not too expensive though, it costed RM 20 only and his life span is about 8 years. He eats small fish, shrimp, or red blood worms. I saw some review of owners even feed this type of fish with MERELY PLANTS! haha... :DBut I just let him be who he is - the predator!! :DVery happy to have him with me :)End todays' blog with a photo of my dinner with my lovely house mates. I love having dinner with them, it makes the environment better and warmer!"Enjoy our lives, take care of others lives too!"
Me and my friends went to hunt for Domino's Pizza in IPOH today :DTook approximately an hour to search for Domino's Pizza... ==''At last, we managed to find it!! (Clapped happily... ^^)Me with eyeballssss frame while waiting for the pizzasss :D Very hungry actually but still wanted to take photo!Tadah.... Here it came the 3 regular pizzas with onion ring with bbq chicken wings :) RM 60 ++ overall with a bottle of 1.5 liter Sprite.Onion ringsss :D It was nice!Our pizzas and chicken wings :D YUMMY!!(Me and Ai Ling) This was what we did after our lunch. The background was actually a painting of the wall of a shop! ==''Posting... haha :DWhile on the way to Jusco, we took some photos.. :)Lots of ppl who passed by in their car were looking at the 3 of us... They must be thinking that "whats wrong with the 3 crazy one??" :DPointing at the traffic light! The sky was nice lo at that moment!! :DReally nothing to do... Haha :DAi Ling was pretending that she broke the tiang...Ok... Almost reach Jusco! :DBaskin Robbin's ice-cream. Green tea and strawberry cheese flavour.YUPPIE!!! Got the 1st ever SS501's album. "Destination" :D Love it to the max!!!!It came along with a file and bookmarks! 1 cd & 1 dvd..... :DCoffee Bean Ice Cappuccino with strong coffee!Coffee + Cake... :DDinner at Burger King. This was my Onion Ring, but Domino's onion ring was nicer!Love it to the MAXXXXX!!!!For me, it was a very very happy day today! Fighting! :D
Went out to the field outside my house to fly our KITE!!Of course, I brought along with my baby, Hershey :)It was a great moment especially we successfully fly the kite and also took a lot of photos of Hershey!Our Kite ----> Its a PINK Eagle!!Me... was flying the kite!! *winkIts the breast cancer awareness month, so, I will edit some photos with PINK colour :))Spot something 'brown' in the middle of the field??Yuppie... It was my Hershey :D Enjoying his meal in this big field!Love u so much :DHershey is always so adorable... He will make sounds like "erghhh" when others trying to feed him or get near to him except ME!! :))Gave him a BLUE crown... hehehee... He looked damn cute in this photo!Pinky (Name of the kite) was flying freely in the sky.See you so cute.... Give u a pink KISS... :DLooked so relaxing :)YUM YUM.... :DHe just like to stay beside me....Again.... With the pink ribbon to help promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month :)Personally like this photo :)Sometimes... Pink just looks nice and peaceful I can say.Pinky flied happily in the sky :DDHershey is just like dog, when I pat him at his belly, he just sit still and let me sayang him:DLove this photo :) Hershey is always so cute and HANDSOME...The 'Le Fei' me with shy shy (Nic for hershey)...Really love this photo I took with hershey :D He looked kawaii!He is always so cute. :D Always....Thats all for the main character - Hershey!!Love him always and muacksss :D