Monday, April 8, 2013


If this way cannot make it, switch to another direction!

Scenario 1:

How will you feel if early in the morning, your car tyre punctured right before you want to drive to work? Angry thinking of why are you so unlucky? Frustrated as you are going to be late to work? Bet you will have all the negative emotions with you. So, at the end, you have a superb duper bad day!

What if you switch your thoughts? Thinking "Luckily, my car tyre punctured at home not in front of the traffic light!". Will you feel better by thinking like this? 

Scenario 2: 

A girl friend is waiting for the boy friend to come over. He told her he will be coming by 10 o'clock. However, time passed and he is not here yet. Here comes 11 o'clock, he is not here yet too. Girl friend waits patiently, then she starts to wonder why is he not here yet? All kind of thoughts pop up in her mind, she gets angry, frustrated and disappointed. At the end, they ended up quarrel.

What if the girl friend switches her thoughts? Thinking "Maybe he got caught up with certain things?" For sure she feels better and things can be so different after that.

There is always a choice in life, and we are making choices every day, every single second. 

In life, we have the choice to choose what we want to do, what we want to achieve and what we want to experience. Once you make the decision, be focus and do it. 

There is no right timing when you want to switch yourself, but you have to initiate it. 

"Wake up in the morning, we have the choice to choose to live a happy or a sad day; I choose to live happily, what about you?"

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