Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Busy busy busy...

Recently was so busy with assignments and mid-term is on next week...
That was why long time I do not blog lo... Haha...

So hard to look for journal for my assignments... Besides, need to read lots of books for the citation in the report... See... after this I will need to read again...

I was very tired... Everyday do not have enough time to sleep! Got 8am class some more! Fyi, I always late for the class! Aha... :)

Anyway, wish everyone will have a nice day...

*R.I.P for MJ for today is h is funeral...
Honestly, I felt sorry for him because he just passed away suddenly! The saddest thing was that he cannot even fulfill his dream or wish for the very last time - the coming concert! It was really a sad tragedy... For everyone who loves him!

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