Thursday, July 30, 2009

Goodbye my tiny...

27 July, my tiny passed away... Tiny was my rabbit. Named her tiny because at the time I got her, she was so small compare to my hershey... It was a sad memory for me. We had expected that he will die soon or later too.

My lovely tiny... So cute right? She was a very strong rabbit... When she sprained her leg, she still managed to live strongly... That was why I am very proud of her...

Before I got my tiny, there was another very cute rabbit of mine which passed away 2 weeks after I bought her... She was my Oreo... Haha... We named her oreo because she looked like the oreo biscuit...

Now, left my strongest rabbit - Hershey.... His name actually came from a type of chocolate... haha...

Although they had passed away but I felt grateful that they ever gave me a very happy and memorable moment in my life... I was wondering that I might not be a good owner because I didnt really take good care of them. Maybe that was the reason I lost them...

Good bye my cute one...

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