Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hello guys, just drop by here to tell you all that my best friend got her blog already...

Who is she??

Ya, she is my best friend - Lai Li Sze... But I call her miao tiao zhu lao po (苗条猪老婆)...

How long we have known each other??? Hmmm... Since 2002.... till know 2009, 7 years already... It is really a long time ya....

During form 1, she was actually in the class next to mine... At that time, we were having a combined class for KH-Kemahiran Hidup... And at first, both of us didn't really like each other because we thought each other was very weird... Haha...

Then, the next year which was 2002, I was form 2 and that year, she had moved to my class... and, we got to know each other better since then... Story went on and on....(Quite long, lazy to talk about it...) Till know, we are always the best friend of each others... Besides, we share every single things... Haha... Of course, both of us like to talk about guys!!! :)

Here is a photo of us in the class, this was taken in Form 5(2005)... I think both of us will agree that we looked quite ugly... Hahaha...

Anyway, those who know or don't my dearest friend, feel free to look at her blog... I can say that it is a simple but nice blog... haha... She shares what she thinks...

"Best friend is always the best even we are no longer staying besides each other..."


  1. thanks dear 蟑螂老公~~ I am so touched ^.^ muakzzz....

  2. hahaha... so fast u read ard... haha... muacksss too... miss u so much... n gambate with ur new blog ya... ill always go check it one... hahaha
    tac care ya:)
