Staying in Kampar changes me a lot...
I am getting more independent than I used to be... which is a good and happy thing! :D
Of course, changes in mind is the most influencial one...
Ever wonder why the title of the blog is "SNAKE"??
Lets wonder....
Okay.... Its end of Y2 S1 already... Tomorrow will be my last day for week 14... Next week I will be having my study week and later, 2 weeks of exam and.... FINALLY, I will go to KL on 15/5 to visit my best friend-Alice, on the 16/5, I will go back to MIRI!!! untill 1/6 :D
Back to the main title - SNAKE...
I met with few snakes already for staying one year plus in Kampar... Why? This really put me into deep ponder, why we can see snake around shophouses? Aren't they are supposed to live in the jungle???
Yaya.... Everyone shall ponders about this matter!! This is SERIOUS!
Clearing off the jungle for human living purposes, for building human habitats... This is directly affecting and destroying the wild lives' habitats.... That is why we can see snakes crawling here and there! Even in the drain in front of my house!!!
CAN you imagine how serious it is???
Ok la.... I am not here to blaming on human - us!!
BUT...I am suddenly having an interest on snake!!! I want to keep snake as my pet!!! <--- dont think i am crazy ok.... After googling, I found out that one of the snake pets is the "Ball Python"... The scientific name is "Python Regius" which now cost RM 320 each for a 3 month old baby snake..... Ball Pythons are from a minor species. They can live for around twenty years but can live up to 50 years if they well taken care! They normally can grow up to 4-5 feet... Name as ball python because they like to roll themselves into a ball liked shape... :D so cute right?? Of course there are different types of ball pythons.... And as a beginner for snake keepers, ball python will be the best choice!!!Cinnamon Pastel Ball Python
I love caramel albino ball python the most... It looks gorgeous!!
But.... I wonder my parents will allow me to keep them or not?? My mum scares of snake!! haha.... will take time to consider bout it!! :D
Snake wont bite you if you dont disturb them...
love life, love adventure, love daydreaming, love new stuffs, love shopping, love food, love coffee, love phototakings and love YOU!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Lotus seeds dating with flower fungus...
Ahaha... Just simply gave a name for the dish i prepare... Its merely just for fun and creative! wow... am i that creative??
Nvm.... So, i made some dessert today. It is called the "Lotus seeds dating with flower fungus"...
Look at the name of the dessert, you will know that it taste nice and full of romance :D
Let you have a look at it:Seem nice right?
Ingredient: dried white fungus, red dates, lotus seeds, water and rock sugar... (The amount of the ingredients is according to your choice)
Step 1: Put the dried white fungus + red dates + lotus seeds in a bowl of water.
Step 2: Slice the white fungus into smaller pieces after they soften. Then, smash the red dates for few times so that the smell of the red dates will mix with the soup. Later, take of the greenish thing inside the lotus seeds.
Step 3: After that, boil a bowl of water. Then put in everything when the water start to boil.
Step 4: Let it boil until the red dates and the lotus seeds turn soft. Then, put in rock sugar. Boil for a while, done! It takes around 30 - 45 minutes to prepare the dessert...
Simple yet healthy! You can either drink it hot or cold... Of course, the cold one will taste nicer especially during hot weather like this... :D
Lets have a try. Its very easy and cheap also.... :D
Love Bite...
Last few days, i was given a love bite by my hershey!
He bit me when i wanted to feed him.... T.T
The wound was really pain and it was swollen...
Can see the swollen wound? it was on my right arm... And the wound really did look like a heart shape right?? haha
But, still, it hurts.....
I google bout the bite and found out that actually rabbit seldom bite people. So, i think maybe because he is too hungry or too miss me lo... haha... Thick face!!
Ok la... Nothing much to say ard...
Reminder: for those who got rabbits at home, remember to feed them with plenty of food so that they wont bite you!! :D
Last presentation...
Last Friday was my last presentation in Y2 S1.
It was the cmt2 presentation. The theme for our group was "Life"
Each of us just shared something regarding our life with a symbolic item.
I made a cup of affogato on the spot... Ya, affogato was the thing I shared during the presentation. I said, the coffee taste bitter - just like our life. However, the vanilla ice-cream taste sweet and nice.
Life can never be smooth all the while. We might and for sure will undergo the up and down of life. its only the matter how we overcome or how we perceive the meaning of life.
some people say their life is like a cup of black coffee! - very dark, very miserable, very down.
some say their life is like a cup of green tea! - very pure, very clear, very healthy.
i say my life is like a cup of affogato! - good and bad, up and down, sweet and bitter surrounding me all the while! :D
Thats my life, i love my life:D
How bout you?
Following are the photos of me and my group members.Me and Kavi... In the class, too bored so we just took some photos... :D
From left: Shu fen, Kavi and me...
Shu fen took her love jacket to represent her life which is always happy and lovely. Shu Fen said there is a choice for happy or sad, she will always choose happy as her choice.Kavi used water to represent her life, she said that she will always go with the flow when come with different situation.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Egg tofu swimming in the Mushroom pool...
Egg tofu swimming in the Mushroom pool.... Haha.... its the dish i cooked for dinner just now....
I gave the dish this name.... sounds cute right???
Lets have a look at the dish!

See.... Looks so nice right??? Haha....
Healthy plus cheap again the dish....
Ingredient : Baby kai lan, Egg tofu, some skinless mince chicken, mushroom, ginger, garlic and
red onion... (all are in small amount!) + oyster sauce, light soya sauce, cooking oil,
corn starch, water and sesame oil...
How to cook : 1st: Marinate the mince chicken with corn starch (to soften the meat)
and black pepper.
2nd: Cut the egg tofu into pieces, slice the mushroom and the baby kai lan.
3rd: Fry the egg tofu in slow fire until it turns golden. Then, take it up and
put into a plate with tissue paper in order to absorb the oil.
4th: Heat the wok and put in little amount of oil, fry the garlic and onion.
5th: Put in the mince chicken. After that, put in mushroom. Continue to fry.
6th: Put in the baby kai lan and add some water.
7th: Wait for 2-3 minutes, put in the oyster sauce, soya sauce and sesame oil.
After that, just put in the egg tofu and corn starch.
Thats it! So easy... It takes less than 30 minutes to prepare the dish....
Yummy.... Healthy dish, not too oily and not too many of meat!
Try it if you want!
I can feel that the egg tofu and mushrooms are swimming in my stomach! Hehe....
I gave the dish this name.... sounds cute right???
Lets have a look at the dish!

See.... Looks so nice right??? Haha....
Healthy plus cheap again the dish....
Ingredient : Baby kai lan, Egg tofu, some skinless mince chicken, mushroom, ginger, garlic and
red onion... (all are in small amount!) + oyster sauce, light soya sauce, cooking oil,
corn starch, water and sesame oil...
How to cook : 1st: Marinate the mince chicken with corn starch (to soften the meat)
and black pepper.
2nd: Cut the egg tofu into pieces, slice the mushroom and the baby kai lan.
3rd: Fry the egg tofu in slow fire until it turns golden. Then, take it up and
put into a plate with tissue paper in order to absorb the oil.
4th: Heat the wok and put in little amount of oil, fry the garlic and onion.
5th: Put in the mince chicken. After that, put in mushroom. Continue to fry.
6th: Put in the baby kai lan and add some water.
7th: Wait for 2-3 minutes, put in the oyster sauce, soya sauce and sesame oil.
After that, just put in the egg tofu and corn starch.
Thats it! So easy... It takes less than 30 minutes to prepare the dish....
Yummy.... Healthy dish, not too oily and not too many of meat!
Try it if you want!
I can feel that the egg tofu and mushrooms are swimming in my stomach! Hehe....
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
This afternoon i was chit-chating with my friends during lunch at cafeteria...
We talked about this topic - spendthrift...
Thinking of myself, am i a spendthrift person???
I wonder!
Here i come out with the answer, can say that I am spendthrift sometimes but not too spendthrift i guess... If i got lots of money, i would like to be a very spendthrift lady with a room full of cloths, slippers + heels, accessories, and make up thingy!!!!
Sadly, i still cant afford myself to be such a spendthrift lady!
However, looking at my stuffs.... I found out that some of them are really useless u know.
Examples: Monopoly game - used to play for like a month and where is it now? deep
in the
drawer!! - sob -
The water pool thingy for me to "put" myself in it with water filled up the
pool... when was the last time i use that thing?? so call using it to release
my tension! now i only put it inside a big box along with books and other
stuffs... again - sob -
There are also other unnecessary stuffs in my room now... dont want to talk bout them...
I must have "insaf" of my such behaviour now.... :(
"think twice or more before buying stuff!!"
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
My wish comes true...
Remember yesterday i said i feel like drinking affogato??
And guess what?
I am drinking it now!!
Haha... its not affogato from Dome or from dessert... But the homemade affogato!!
sweet right???
Hahaha... So nice i got the chance to drink it again... feel so satisfied and fulfilled!See this!! Its my affogato -- homemade affogato!
I feel like flying or dancing in the sky now! :D Although it did not look as nice as the one i posted up yesterday, but still, it is AFFOGATO!
Yummy yummy.... enjoying my lovely affogato now... Somemore with the nice weather here.... FYI, it was raining so heavily just now, and now it is very cooling outside!
See ya...
And I continue to enjoy my coffee.... :D
Feel like drinking a cup of affogato now....
I miss it so badly....
Love it sooooo much...
This was the affogato i drank last year at Dome in Bintang walk!!
Still remember the very first time i drank affogato was in "Dessert" ---> one of the ice-cream shop in Miri.... From that time onwards, I already fell in love with affogato...
It is not only the name of the coffee sounded very nice and romantic, but the taste of the coffee is much nicer!
What can we do in our life if we dont learn how to enjoy it??
Pls.... Give me a chance to drink it again! :D
Statistic of life...
I learned something very interesting in today statistic lecture class...
My lecturer said that psychologist used to make use of physic science to explain human behaviour... But the outcomes were that the physic science could not exactly explain the human behaviour... Thus, they used another method - the statistic to explain and understand human!
When consider about it, its true that the statistic can actually explain human behaviour...
Take the example of the Normal Distribution...Why i say it can actually explain us - HUMAN??
Take the example as a uni student...
I got 14 weeks for each of my long semester and 7 weeks for my short semester.
So, for the beginning of my sem, i am actually at the bottom of the distribution which is having a relax and brand new sem....
Slowly, we will come with the assignments and midterm... Hence, it shows that we are actually going up the distribution which we need to prepare for our midterm during the middle of the sem. Besides, we need to rush for our assignmentssss.... That will be the time where we are going crazy and tense up!!!
Ok.... everything will always come to an end right?
So as the business of uni life. Along with the progress of the weeks.... so, we will also come to meet the end point of the distribution, which is going through final exams and the happiest moment come - semester break!!!
SEE it d? uni students' life are just like a normal distribution...
ANOTHER example that can be explained using the normal distribution will be the progress of our whole life.
WHY is it so?
We are at the bottom again when we were born to this world.... Slowly, we grow up learning to new things, adapting ourselves to the world, meeting with people, communicating, finding love, looking for hopes and pursueing goals....
Involving in this process lead us to the peak of the distribution... that is when we achieve the best performance, moments, situation and so on in our life.... This could be happened when we reached the middle age... I guess...
So, every living things in the world will fade one day!
So as human... Thus, when we are getting older, we are actually going down the slop towards the bottom of the distribution. At the end, we bring away nothing with us when we leave this world.... And thats why we will be at the far bottom of the distribution...
Life is always interesting, isn't it???
Full of hopes, full of challenges, full of chances, full of obstacles ....
Love our lives and you will not regret during the day which you are going to leave this world.
turning point...
Half way looking through my old photos... which included food, me, my families, my friends and others....
I only realise that "wow!!! it was such a long time!" Those memories were all very sweet and happy like a cup of ice-cream.... So tasty yet can melt so fast!!
Wondering about my life.... Ponder what I have been doing, what i have achieved in my life....
There seems a lot yet seems nothing.... Why??
I have not much idea why i got such feeling, but it is just a feeling... Maybe, I think, there should be some turning point in my life...
Realised that throughout my life.... Lots of happy and sweet memories :D That is something real Good!!! Of course, bad and unforgettable memories still exist but i think ill only give them like 10% out of all the memories....
How bout the achievement? My life goal and my future?
How is it going to be like?
How am I going to shape it?
I think that is why i popped out with today's blog - Turning Point!
I think, i have to really think and consider bout my future... My direction after graduating as a psychology degree holder... What shall i do after that?
My responsibility on myself, my family....
haha.... Seems like a very heavy task and responsibilty!! :D
Turning point.... I shall really consider bout it now....
I am considering bout my life turning point....
HOW bout u??
Sunday, April 11, 2010
it is almost the end of yr 2 s 1. now is ard week 13, next week will be the last week of study. then one week of study week, two weeks of exam and another two weeks of sem break....
sem break will be the happiest day for me, cos i will be going back to hometown!
yeah.... :D
seldom take pictures, so, ill only upload some photos to represent the whole sem! haha:D
in the photo : kavi (the small one), we call her kecik! n sharon, this was taken by me after our cmt2 lecture class. its was after 7:30pm d, n heavy rain was accompanying us home! the rain was too heavy, so we just stopped by ktar to wait for the rain to stop.
took this pict when i was typing my cmt2 assignment in utar library.... it was a nice afternoon, half way typing, i listened to songs by tension(a taiwan group- which i dont know why they stop singing ard).... with air cond somemore.... so nice!:D
At the library.... took this photo for fun... haha:D
An indian student wearing red sari was giving a presentation to us... about the soft skill department during our sociology class. honestly, i didnt understand what was told to us.... :(
i was sitting alone at block b when i took this pict. too bored d so just took it for fun... hahaha:D
See this??? a huge mask! drawn by kean tat n painted by me with the help of cheng boon. ya, it was the booth for our psychology society prom night with the theme - masquerade ball. I really like the mask.... hehe:D and it was a nice and happy night though...
Pendrives sponsored by MIT company for the lucky draw of the prom... 2, 4 and 8 Gb.... so nice le if i can have one! haha :D
An appreciation by a master student, angeline... we helped her to complete her questionaire during stat 2 tutorial class... the nest week, she gave us each a packet of tissue with an appreciation note... :D
can see something brownish colour??? whats that? let you have a clearer look...
lizard? or what i am not sure.... but i saw this little thing in uni... so interesting ah, studying in Kampar, i can see snake can see this handsome thingy too... :D i assume it as a him la... haha quite nice n cute looking rite? but if it is bigger i will be scare and run away when i see him... luckily, its only a small kid!
Me and kecik.... kavi. took this photo during abnormal lecture class... :D see another fellow at the back with the peace sign??? that was baron!
Me!!! too bored and stress i guess.... so, just found something to do.... haha.... look like sa po...
brownies.... love it... it taste nice le.... :D but ah, quite oily though.... nvm la.... delicious is more important than oily! it costs rm 1.40 each, sold at caker inn... yummy... feel like eating it now... hehe:D
Fried small crab.... sold at the stall outside 21st cafe... tasted quite nice... crunchy somemore.... :D
the boss told me they will distribute the card for student, so whenever they come to eat, they will recieve 10% discount for the food they eat... quite good ah...
Again, seafood from the same stall.... here were scallop, some kind of clams.... i dont know their name.... haha :D
Chocolate banana from Justoeat bakery.... But i prefer secret recipe one chocolate banana! it tastes nicer.... miss the secret recipe's chocolate banana now.... :( feel so sad.... kampar dont have secret recipe!!!!
ok la.... dont want to blog le.... later the longer i blog, the hungry i am seeing all the nice and yummy food i ate before.... :D
see ya and have a nice day!
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