I gave the dish this name.... sounds cute right???
Lets have a look at the dish!

See.... Looks so nice right??? Haha....
Healthy plus cheap again the dish....
Ingredient : Baby kai lan, Egg tofu, some skinless mince chicken, mushroom, ginger, garlic and
red onion... (all are in small amount!) + oyster sauce, light soya sauce, cooking oil,
corn starch, water and sesame oil...
How to cook : 1st: Marinate the mince chicken with corn starch (to soften the meat)
and black pepper.
2nd: Cut the egg tofu into pieces, slice the mushroom and the baby kai lan.
3rd: Fry the egg tofu in slow fire until it turns golden. Then, take it up and
put into a plate with tissue paper in order to absorb the oil.
4th: Heat the wok and put in little amount of oil, fry the garlic and onion.
5th: Put in the mince chicken. After that, put in mushroom. Continue to fry.
6th: Put in the baby kai lan and add some water.
7th: Wait for 2-3 minutes, put in the oyster sauce, soya sauce and sesame oil.
After that, just put in the egg tofu and corn starch.
Thats it! So easy... It takes less than 30 minutes to prepare the dish....
Yummy.... Healthy dish, not too oily and not too many of meat!
Try it if you want!
I can feel that the egg tofu and mushrooms are swimming in my stomach! Hehe....
Haha, looks nice! I will go and try next time. You din put chai4 gun4 inside ah? Wakaka =P