Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Feel like drinking a cup of affogato now....

I miss it so badly....

Love it sooooo much...

This was the affogato i drank last year at Dome in Bintang walk!!

Still remember the very first time i drank affogato was in "Dessert" ---> one of the ice-cream shop in Miri.... From that time onwards, I already fell in love with affogato...

It is not only the name of the coffee sounded very nice and romantic, but the taste of the coffee is much nicer!

What can we do in our life if we dont learn how to enjoy it??

Pls.... Give me a chance to drink it again! :D


  1. Quote "What can we do in our life if we dont learn how to enjoy it??" Haha, totally agree with this statement but that afogato really looks delicious lar, might try it one day. Oh yea, sorry forgot to tell you about my intern ho, I tell ppl here and there and I forgot who I haven tell. Have a nice day!

  2. haha... tats quote is written by me!!! li hai le... hehehe... yaya u must try it. It tastes real nice:D its ok la u x tell me, i still get to know it by now rite... so its fine:D x need sorry!tac care there:D
