Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This afternoon i was chit-chating with my friends during lunch at cafeteria...

We talked about this topic - spendthrift...

Thinking of myself, am i a spendthrift person???

I wonder!




Here i come out with the answer, can say that I am spendthrift sometimes but not too spendthrift i guess... If i got lots of money, i would like to be a very spendthrift lady with a room full of cloths, slippers + heels, accessories, and make up thingy!!!!

Sadly, i still cant afford myself to be such a spendthrift lady!

However, looking at my stuffs.... I found out that some of them are really useless u know.

Examples: Monopoly game - used to play for like a month and where is it now? deep
in the
drawer!! - sob -

The water pool thingy for me to "put" myself in it with water filled up the
pool... when was the last time i use that thing?? so call using it to release
my tension! now i only put it inside a big box along with books and other
stuffs... again - sob -

There are also other unnecessary stuffs in my room now... dont want to talk bout them...

I must have "insaf" of my such behaviour now.... :(

"think twice or more before buying stuff!!"

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