Wednesday, December 26, 2012

At this warmest day - My Xmas

Another Christmas day had just passed. I have had a great and memorable Christmas for this year. 

Firstly, we had this Christmas Day celebration in my company. We prepared Christmas Lunch & gift exchange session. 

The superb HR Team... Very glad to have meet all this gor gor & jie jie in my career life, they are very supportive and sayang me a lot! <3 p="p">

My gift from colleague :)

I had been to few Christmas dinner though! 

Firstly, with all my secondary school buddies! Awesome night out at Souled Out... It was really an amazing night hanging out with you guys at this warm occasion. 

Again, pictures do the talking...

So nice to have the chance to keep in touch after so many years :)

Hang out with colleagues during xmas eve.... Colleague put this deer hair band on me! Such a great eve that I have. We went for lunch, tea time and photo taking! 

Cakes.... So sinful! hahaha... Who cares? I love it!

My Christmas Eve Dinner with someone special in my life, Ungka :)

Then, we went for the countdown, seeing people splashing the spray to one another happily. 

Xmas, it is so heart warming. 

Christmas lunch with a friend before the movie - Jack Reacher! It is a must watch movie... Very nice and awesome. hahahaha

Another xmas dinner - spicy chicken & mushroom pasta at Dome. Yummy :)

My favourite dish at Dome - Beef Lasagna! 

My xmas gift from Cathy, the sales manager. Guess what is inside??

Tada... It is the duckling lip balm! 

Another present from a cute friend of mine.

Burberry Brit :) so thoughtful of him, I love it soooo much! 

And also this heel :) Thanks a lot my friend for the gift! 

Merry Christmas Day. Walking around the crowd, I can see everyone with their happy smiles on their faces. So awesome and grateful to have this big day in our lives that we get to gather around with the love ones, spending the time together and getting to know each other better. 

Happy or not, life still goes one. Rich or not, life still goes on. Good or not, life still goes on. 

No matter what happen later, tomorrow, next week, few months later or years later, as long we stay positive, stay happy, live with the hope; we will be a great person, a successful person not to others, but to ourselves. 

Love or not love, friends or not friends, we are still human. The trust and understanding between us is the only thing that hold us together. We have the chance to know each other out of millions of people out there, this is what we call faith. Who cares in the future, we will be together or not? Most important is, we stay in each other lives before, creating memories together that produce a great life story among each of us! 

"I believe in faith, if the person belongs to you; no matter what you gone through, no matter how long it took, at the end of the day, he is still yours"

Again, Merry Christmas my dearest friend. Love ya all always.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Plan B

What's your plan? It's Plan B! 

Have had a great Saturday with girls to chill around for birthday celebration, window shopping & grocery shopping session at Paradigm Mall. 

Me and Huixin went to Kelana Jaya LRT Station to meet up with birthday girl, Ai Ling Jie. Then, we took the free shuttle bus to Paradigm Mall. Being too hungry and could not make any decision, we choose Plan B at last! 

It was a great and awesome lunch experience in the restaurant with good food and fantastic crew service! 110 out of 100 thumbs up for Plan B! 

Water served while waiting for the food to be served! 

Duck Confit with orange salad! First time ever in my life eating duck meat with orange and raw watercress. The combination is so daring yet awesome. The meat is fabulous, not to soft nor hard! Most important is the sauce! It tasted just so good. Love it to the max! Recommended strongly to try this for those who want to dine in at Plan B!

Pasta with soft shell crab. The butter and creamy filling gravy with the topping of chilli flaker tasted real good. However, I for sure cannot finish this whole plate of pasta by myself. As the gravy is too rich and fulfilling. The fried soft shell crab tasted nice too. Not bad not bad! Worth to try it out if you are interested. 

Beef Cheese Burger! I was already full with the previous two dish. Nothing much to say about this dish but one thing is the onion ring is very crunchy and yummy! :)

Tadah! The friendly staffs helped us arrange the cupcakes nicely on the plate and gave us a surprise by singing birthday song to Ai Ling. "Why so serious??? hahahaxxxx ^.^"

Birthday girl and buddy with the superlicious cupcakes! 

Me and birthday girl with the main point of the day - cream cheese cupcakes! 

Why I eat "why"?! Tasty cream cheese topping chocolate banana cupcake by Banana J House. 

Checked! For the staffs in Plan B. :) 

It was an awesome lunch gathering cum birthday celebration at Plan B. A good place to dine in with nice and comfortable ambience. 

 So, I have got my plan! What's yours? 

Why not getting a plan B?!

Friday, November 9, 2012

I ma not Perfect!

A glass of pink passion 

"No one is perfect" I always know about this fact, every one knows about it. 

However, when come to certain things that you are obligated with and focusing in working it out; you will always want to do the best and try to be as perfect as possible. Somehow, if there is even a silly mistake shown, you will be very disappointed about it. Especially to yourself. 

Not being able to pass up my tasks on time, having it delayed due to certain things really make me feel bad over myself. It turns out I will keep thinking over and over again about that matter for the rest of the day. Then, a friend told me just now, "Silly girl, not everyday we can perform well." Enough to be true, as we are human, we do make mistakes and we do silly things from time to time. 

What is most important is we learn, remember and do not repeat the same mistake. 

Getting to know different people from different level is actually very rewarding. I came across a wise man in my previous work, he is very successful man. He shared with me that everyday, before going to rest at the end of the day, he will lie down on the bed, thinking through the things that he had done for the whole day. He will start to picturise the good and bad that have been done. He will remind himself to do better, remind himself to not to repeat the same mistake again. He is really a great man that I came across which I am really impressed and inspired by him till now. 

"No one is perfect, but we can learn to be as perfect as possible. Be patient, be determine."

Friday, October 26, 2012

You, your owner

~ Raining heavily ~

Took this photo while I was waiting for my bus driver to come after my combat class. It was raining heavily just now, heavy rain plus strong wind. 

Finish class at 7:30pm, then I walked to the bus stop to wait for my bus driver! 

Half way listening to my KPop songs, it rained! ==

I was like, "Fine! It rains again and I am gonna go home wet!"

Ok la... At the end, only my legs and my shoes became wet. hahaxxx...

But hor, eventhough it was raining heavily. I noticed some drivers that were not so considerate while driving. They drove past me and some others so fast and at the end, the super dirty water was splashed to us! Luckily still, I did not get dirty because of that. People people, you all should be more considerate what. Sometimes, please think of others just like how you want others to think about you. 

So, ignoring the heavy rain, I continue to listen to my songs while still waiting for my bus driver to come. 

Life like this will go on and on. Everyday, I go to work. Not just work but to learn and interact with lovely people. Then, most exciting part is after work, I am so motivated to join classes like Hot Yoga, Body Bump, Bollywood Dance, Body Combat and maybe some other classes in near future. Really enjoy having daily schedule like this. All these are very fulfilling for me. 

Being single is not lonely! You can have so much of fun in life that lightens up your day!

Working is not just working! You can gain more than what you do when you bring your heart to work! 

Being independent is not as simple as it is! Some will never learn how to be independent but some can truly understand and apply the meaning of independent in his or her life!

Living a life is not just an obligation! You can choose to either live a normal life or to live a great life!

We, human are living things that can think, act and feel. We do not just live to survive, we do not just live to produce the next generation. However, we live to create something meaningful not for others, but for ourselves. We live to create an awesome story for ourselves. 

"You are the owner of your life, you decide the path you want to go, you work towards your decision, you bare the consequences of your decision."

Saturday, October 20, 2012

小鸟的人生历程 1




“这里有那么多不同的鸟儿,还有好多我从来都没见过的新玩意呢!” 鸟儿心想着。











Wednesday, October 17, 2012


~ 玫瑰花茶 ~




一个人的时候,没有什么不好。 我们可以善于利用之时候,更了解,更懂得自己。







一个人生活,最终要懂得好好的疼爱自己。 爱自己,懂得珍惜自己,生活会更美好!


Chocolate Brownies with Vanilla Ice-cream

~ Chocolate Brownies with Vanilla Ice-Cream at Full House, Sunway Giza ~

I love to eat. I enjoy eating cakes and biscuits with the accompany of coffee. 

Brownies is a dessert that I pretty enjoy and love to have for a sinful tea break. 

I tried the brownies from Delicious, Mid Valley before. Today went to try the brownies in Full House. Both the brownies in Delicious and Full House tasted nice. (Worth to try out!) 

Having a bite of the warm brownies with the add on of the vanilla ice-cream. The combination is just so superb. Love it to the max!

Having such a yummy and pretty looking brownies for a tiring day, isn't it something great?

"A wonderful life is like a piece of sweet brownies"

Saturday, October 13, 2012


~ 从我家露台所见到的夜景 ~

搬进来新的家大概有两个月了吧。 从来没好好看过外面的风景。最近的一天,我很偶然的发现了这美丽的一幕。晚上,一眼望去,看见那些闪闪发亮的灯,像很多萤火虫那样,一闪一闪的, 很漂亮。傻傻的,静静的,望着它,心境很平静,很温暖。

时间过得很快,悄悄的来到了十月的一半。生活的变化无穷,该遇到的,不该遇到的,我都遇到了。起起伏伏,爬上高峰,掉进谷底,快乐感动,伤心心碎;这些事情的发生, 似乎是人生必经之路。




想一想,好像也很对,身边的朋友,似乎都在为了某些事而烦恼。有的和另一半吵架,有的被甩了,有的和朋友闹得有点僵, 有的生病了。。。 

十月真的那么邪??? 不可能,生活依然继续,我们依然每天起身,努力为生命努力。问题的存在,不停地在生命的每分每秒出现,这就是我们必须去经历的一刻。就好像白天会离去,夜晚会来临;但是,白天依然会再来,夜晚也不可能永远停留在那。

学习如何生活,学习如何独立,学习如何活得不后悔,学习如何活得精彩;这才是最重要的关键吧。生命说短不短,说长也不长; 今天不知明天事,现在拥有不代表永远不变。因为,世上唯一不变的, 就是不停的变。


人生,再美好的是,也有来到尾声的一刻;再好的人,也有离你而去的一天。 所以,再难熬的遭遇,也会有雨过天晴的一刻;遇到了再坏的感情,也会有跌到了再爬起来的时候。当我们沉静在那幸福的日子里,有谁会预知噩梦的发生?所以,噩梦来临时,也许,我们会很错愣,会觉得熬不过去。但是,只要一直抱着那坚定的信念,相信一定能在看见美丽的夜景;有一天,我们一定会到达那里。



“在美的夜景,会有被取代的一刻;在美好的事,会有结束的一刻; 所以,在糟糕的遭遇,也会有被取代的一天”

Monday, October 8, 2012


~ 在Pacific Coffee 点的咖啡乳酪蛋糕 ~


不过,和朋友见面,除了寻找我们需要的东西,我们最爱做的事就是喝一杯凉茶。他爱喝王老吉加热气粉;而我,都只喝无花茶。今天有点不一样,由于太过 的热气,我选择了难喝的王老吉。




我说,“人的感情,就像是我们在选择外套时,努力的在寻找一件适合自己的外套 。”




每个人,从来到这个世界的那一刻,都不停地在摸索;我们都在找寻生命里,适合我们的外套。有时候,看见一件自认为适合自己的外套;所以,我们努力的去试穿上它, 希望它挂在我们的身上,是独一无二的。也许,穿上去的那一刻,我们爱上了它,就不顾一切地把它给买了下来。接下来的日子,我们都很兴奋的向大家炫耀我们的外套。可是,时间久了,我们变了,外套旧了,变得松松垮垮了;这时候,才发现着外套其实从开始并不适合我们。只是,当朋友告诉我们那外套不适合我们的时候,我们都没听在心里。

然而,有的时候,在寻找适合的外套时,我们会不停的观察,慢慢地寻找那件真正属于我们的外套。看见一件外套,还不错,过去看看,才发现不太适合。 不适合的理由可以有很多,也许是颜色不对,或是没有队的尺寸,又或许是布质不合心意, 但也有很大的可能是我们不配穿那件外套。发现不适合,难道还要勉强自己去接受? 还是应该再多花些时间和精神,去寻找更好的?

曾经穿过不适合自己的外套,那种感觉,一点也不好受。也许,开始的那刻,它让我很有安全感,让我完全的相信它会陪伴我度过无数的风风雨雨。然而,到了最后,当初认为美丽无比的外套,却让自己觉得更加辛苦;不只这样,我还让外套的岁月, 浪费在不适合它的主人身上。





Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thousand Layer Cake

~ Vanilla Thousand Layer Cake at Ochado ~

Went out chilling with friends few days back at Ochado. 

We were chit chatting about relationships and life halfway enjoying the thousand layer cake. 

The friend of mine got into a relationship sometimes back. Everything turns out quite well and guess it is the time for us to come to know about the partner of him. :)

We were friend since secondary schools, knowing each other until now. Time passes, things change, different people come and go in our lives. At the end of the day, we get the chance to catch up with one another. There was a period of time that we lost contact for years. Somehow, life is very wonderful that we still manage to meet up one day :)

I come across with friends that I have known for years. Then we disappear in each other lives for years until one day, we meet up again unexpectedly. Life can just be so amazing and interesting. 

Friendship is like a piece of thousand layer cake. The more you gone through bits and bits of your lives together, the more stronger relationship could be. Not just close friends, not just good friends but friends that you just known. 

Everyone that comes, stays and goes in your life. Not just friend, but could be someone that you are not so closed to, bring something for you in life. Good or bad, at least it is one part of our life chapter. We get to meet up, we get to know each other, we get to learn from each other and we get the chance to create a life story. Just like a thousand layer cake, made from one layer to another layer. :)

Today I get the chance to know you, this is something happy and special. I appreciate those who comes into my life. We have the chance to become friends, it is really a great and happy moment. We talk like never before, we share our bits of life together and we create our lives with the presence of each other. Isn't that a great thing to do in life?

"Life is like a song, friendship is like a piece of thousand layer cake"

Friday, October 5, 2012

Live like a glass of wine

~ My glass of red wine ~

I'm not alcoholic, I don't drink a lot of alcohol and I can't drink a lot too. 

One thing bad about me is I got allergy towards alcohol. Sometimes, I feel bad cause I cannot drink like how others chill with beers or liquor throughout the night. What I can do is to control the amount I drink or not to drink at all or just drink very less amount of alcohol. If not, I will become monkey for the next few days.*Sad*

Still, I enjoy drinking red wine. Drinking it sip by sip. The moment is just too superb! 

Life is like a glass of red wine. The older it gets, the wine tastes better. The older a person grows, the wiser he will be. 

A young man is just like a few years old wine, in terms of thoughts, actions and perspective; we are still fresh and lacking of experience. But, we don't just stop here, we continue to learn and survive.

An adult is like "n" years old wine, not so light yet not so thick for its taste. An adult can decide what he wants, his directions, his choices and his life. He has the responsibility for both himself and others around him. 

A wise man is like more than "n" years of wine, the taste stays with every sip you take. He is full of knowledge, experience, mature in thoughts and his is the owner of his life! He creates an amazing life story at the end of the day. 

The moment we were born, we are nothing. We always start everything from zero and slowly, we gain knowledge, learn from ourselves and others in order to enhance our life experience. No one in this world is perfect but we can strive to be almost perfect. 

I may not be the best in my every undertaking in life. As I am just an ordinary human. However, I will make sure I strive to be the nearly perfect one in my life. Live the presence, appreciate every single moment of the things I am doing and stay humble in every seconds in the presence of others. Everyday is a brand new day for me to learn, to grow and to become a better me for the next day.

"Live like a glass of red wine, stay sincere, humble and be real to myself and others"


Haagen-Dazs Ice-Cream at Jogoya :)



每个人喜欢的口味都不同,有的喜欢绿茶, 有的喜欢芒果。




当然,除了感情,生命还有很多东西需要我们去完成。 懂得分配好,当然最好不过了。


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wedding :)

Mooncake from the wedding dinner 

Went to Sabah last week to attend my friends' wedding dinner. First time ever becoming the bridesmaid. Honestly, it was a great experience but very very tiring. Aside to that, get the chance to eat lots of nice seafood! (My favourite ^ ^)

Seeing the couple walking slowly into the dinner hall with the best wishes from everyone who attended the ceremony, the moment is just too sweet. Its easy to start a relationship, but hard to maintain it. What more to say about marriage?

Sincerely wish both of them a happy and lovely marriage life!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Live a meaningful life is much easier than destroy it

Steal this photo from a friend's fb (Credit to her). Guess where is this being taken?

It's in MIRI!! Sakura in Miri.  My lovely hometown, located somewhere at Padang Kerbau.

Somehow, a normal looking tree beside a road that has been traveled by infinity times, can turn out to be such a beautiful and nice scenery.

A lot of things can be very pretty yet attractive. However, the beauty of nature is always the most beautiful things in the world.

The moment we see it, the moment we capture it, it will forever been stored in our memories. Really appreciate those who invented camera so that we can always capture the special moment in every single second in our lives. It makes our lives become more colourful and meaningful.

Isn't it great when the day which we grow old, having to look at all those past memories well captured and we can slowly and happily enjoy every single pieces of the memories?

Life is precious, just that few of us never really appreciate our lives. Come across a lot of news recently, saying that who or who commit suicide because of failure in love relationship or being killed with unknown reasons. Not only this that happen but there are many more cases showing that we, human do not really appreciate lives. Of course, this is not subjected to anyone but merely a thought of mine after coming across such issues that keep happened in this world, surrounding us.

"Life is precious, love it, cherish it and utilise it to the fullest"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Love is not to force and not to be forced

Time flies just like the speed of light!

Getting into new work, new life and new environment for more than three months already.

Just move to my new house recently. A bigger room and much soothing environment. But got no way to online yet. Have to apply for a plan so that I can stick my eyes to my laptop! hehehe...

Life is good. Everyday is a brand new day for me to create a greater miracle.

Nowadays, life with no internet. I spend most of my free time reading. (Besides than doing mask crazily like almost everyday)

I enjoy reading when I am waiting for the bus, reading halfway eating my lunch in the office, reading while lying on my bed with my mask on, reading while waiting for something to be done.

Life nowadays is just too influenced by media. That is why, I do feel bored to death when there is no internet. Luckily, I do have books to accompany me throughout the days with no internet.

I remember a phrase from the author which I think it is pretty amazing. He says "The greatest romance is not to force and not to be forced." Exactly, it is not easy for a couple to get together, go through all the sweets and sour moment. It does not matter whether at the end of the day, will they get into another stage of life or separated and move on alone in the future. What is most important, they learn from each other and they grown up from the past.

You cannot get the right one for this time, move on and search for a better one!

"Love is not to force and not to be forced"

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Change now and be flexible

Pink dress for another working day :)

Have not been updating my blog for quite some times cox I am really really busy with my work. 

Busy with catching up of new things and trying to do my best so that I will not cause too much of mistakes XD

Colleagues say that my working attire mostly are black and green and blue... Not colourful at all! 

So, its time to change and get something different! Just like we keep changing all the time... 

We cannot always stay at the same spot but not moving forward. Same goes to our choice of cloth, the colour preference, our food preference and even our thoughts. Moving forward and absorbing different views and perspectives is the only thing for us to grow. 

No one will stay there to wait for you or change themselves to suit your style but YOU yourself are the one who shall change and suit yourself to the world surrounding you. 

Somehow, having some changes are not that bad though. It does give you a new experience and new outcomes! In fact, it can be pretty good and amazing with the new outcome! So, why not put yourself in a different steps of life? 

"The only thing that does not change is to keep changing; flexibility can lead you to a better circumstances"

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hokkaido Cake

Hokkaido Cake :)

Six cakes per box...

Strawberry Flavour Hokkaido Cake <3 p="p">

You can get it from RT Pastry House. 

Having a first bite of it, you will for sure want to have another bite. 

The texture is very light and fluffy yet not very sweet and it tastes just so good!! 

Looks simple but yet not too simple! 

Love it, love Hokkaido Cake just like I love you. 

"The best thing in this world can be the simplest thing that you ever have"

Wednesday, August 8, 2012









不管是曾经,现在或未来,我们遇到的事,见到的人,或制造的回忆;只要能够让我们开心,幸福,再平凡也没关系 -  因为,平凡就是美。。

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Spices in life

Spicy Pork & Beef Ramen at Ramen Yoshino Shokudo, Midvalley 

First time going to this japanese restaurant and order this spicy ramen. After the first sip of the soup, I fall in love with the ramen. The texture of the ramen is just nice! What more to say about the soup? 

Having some spices in life is just good enough to boost up the happiness level. I was discussing about which is important - relationship? career? family? or friend? with a friend just now. 

At the end, we did not manage to come up with the first priority. For him, every one of the criteria is important and should be worked hard toward balancing each of them. For me, besides family and friend, career comes next and lastly relationship. Honestly, this is very hard to decide as it is very subjective depending on the person him or herself. 

Some might perceive that with a successful and rewarding career, you will be able to bring better fortune and happiness for the love ones. Not just that, some might consider putting career as the first priority as it lets them feel that their lives are more meaningful and challenging as they can always work harder to archive better prospect and performance. However, one can think that even with a super high income and successful career, but you do not have a wonderful relationship or a happy and supportive family; you will become no one at the end of the day!

No matter which one you prefer as your priority, I believe there is always a reason behind what you have chosen throughout the pathway in your life. Good or bad? Happy or sad? Simple or complicated? There is not that important as long you think what you choose is the best for you. 

"Choose what you think is the best for yourself"

Sunday, July 15, 2012



我不喜欢种花,也不会种花;但是,我喜欢花, 喜欢花香。而我最喜欢粉红色的玫瑰了!


第一次收到花时,它也是一朵粉红色的玫瑰。当时,感觉很幸福,因为我感觉到了爱。 不只是爱,也感觉到了关怀和真诚。那朵玫瑰,虽然凋谢了,但是,我仍然把它收了起来。过去的事,虽然过去,但是,回忆永远都停留在那。就算结果并不完美,至少我拥有过那美丽的回忆。有句名句说到 “不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有”。生命的长短,我们都没有答案,所以,只有努力活着,为自己创造美好的回忆,等到老去的那一天,至少我们可以毫无遗憾的离去。

有个人,曾经告诉过我,“玫瑰很美,但是,它有很多刺; 南瓜不美,但是,它有非常丰富的营养” 形容得很好对不对?再美的玫瑰,也有凋谢的一天;再美好的事情,也有画上句号的一刻。甚至说过这句话的那个人,也一样变了。这一刻给与的承诺,也有变质的一天,所以,不要理直气壮的承诺,当你知道你做得到时,才给与那神圣的承诺吧。这不是消极,这只是认真地考虑过事情也有变化的一天。



Saturday, July 14, 2012

Blueberry Cheesecake

Blueberry Cheesecake from Starbucks, Genting Highland 

Me and my friend drove to Genting so suddenly without any plans yesterday night. The purpose was just to get a cup of Cafe Latte and a piece of cake in the cold weather. =.=

However, it was really a great outing. The weather in Genting was superb nice and comforting. Walking in the soothing weather with cold wind, I was like "OMG!! Its so cold!! But I love it!!" I saw lots of people happily walking around with their partners, their families and so many of us cramped inside Starbucks throughout the night.

Immersed myself in the cold wind, enjoyed the starry night and the accompany of a friend to chit chat for the whole night that we crapped nonsense, shared our thoughts and perceptions about lives, work, family and friends; one word can be used to describe the situation was "Great"!

In some part of our lives, having the chance to do something out of the norms is very fun and meaningful. You never know what will happen in the next second, what more to say about future? However, we must always live according to plans and dreams. Just like when we are working hard towards certain things we look forward for, the succeed is great, but the process of working towards the success is the best! Without the process, there will never be success. 

"Our lives start like a piece of plain paper, we are the one who decide whether the paper will turn colourful at the end of the day"

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Smiling with my Baby

Smiling with my baby, a pink rabbit <3

This morning, I woke up superb early just to attend my very first formal yoga class! Normally, it is very hard to ensure myself to wake up at 6am but NOT for today! As I was feeling so excited, I woke up so easily just to attend the yoga class. Personally like Yoga pretty much and used to practice it on my own. However, the chance to learn directly form teacher who comes from India has come. Hence, I should be more attentive towards it. 

Recently, besides than working hard for my career. I am also very hard-working just to attend gym and yoga! I feel very fresh and energetic each time after the work out session. Mentally and physically, I am getting more and more energetic and young! XD 

Sometimes, life is not just about work as there is a lot more things to be taken care of. Having a balance lifestyle is pretty much important nowadays in order to sustain our mental and physical health. Putting aside work, I am enjoying my life in exercising, socialising with friends and colleagues. Of course, time for myself too. 

Living the presence is the most precious thing that we can give to ourselves. Putting full effort in the work that I am doing, showing full attention to those I care and loving myself more gives me the feeling that I am still very useful in my life! I appreciate every single seconds that I have now. What about you?

"Smiling happily, living gratefully and being mindfulness at all time lead to a better life"

Monday, July 9, 2012

Living a life like enjoying a cup of coffee I love

My double latte at Delicious when I went for tea time with my colleagues <3

My baby cino at Dome for a coffee session with a friend of mine <3

Recently, my schedule is superb packed with activities. I went for gym after work, went out for dinner with colleagues, chilling around with friends who came over to KL and most significantly, I went for the orientation as volunteer with PT Foundation today's afternoon. 

Not knowing what is PT Foundation? Here is the link : PT Foundation

Thankful for being having this chance to meet with new people from different age level, different career and different background! Really enjoy interacting with them, getting to know more about their lives and their stories. It was such an amazing experience I can say! Although I am still not sure whether I will have the chance to be involved in most of the volunteer jobs or not, I will try my best to be as helpful as I can! The communities need their people to help, care, listen, support and be non-judgemental to them! 

People like drug users, sexual workers, transgenders and those minorities, they are humans whom we have to be respectful as well! Do you think they choose to do so? Yes, you may think like this as the stigmatization and stereotyping among us is just too serious to be reduced. Somehow, life is just to pathetic that they have no choice but to do so. This is a very personal point of view from myself and I am sure everyone has your own thoughts and perspective over this matters. 

However, at the end of the day, what I wish to is just to contribute what I have and what I can to those who need it. Life is not about ourselves only but the interaction with people around. Not only limited to those you know but to those who you will never know too. Being able to contribute by just lending an ear is more than enough!

Life can be very short and there is time that we should sit down and pounder about what we really want for ourselves. When the time I am going to inhale my last breath comes, I would like to see that I manage to brighten up lives surrounding me. What about you? 

"Living a great and contented life is just like having a chance to enjoy a cup of coffee that you love"

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry Juice <3

Went out with colleagues just now after work. For the first time, I have this chilling session with colleagues after a long week of working hard!

We ordered beers and food but this time, I am very good girl cause I drank my cranberry juice instead of beer XD

It was great to go out chilling with each other, chit chatting and talking nonsense not just as colleagues but friends. Looking forward for a better and contented journey ahead...

"Beer is nice to drink, so as Cranberry Juice!"

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cappuccino in the office

Double Cappuccino from Coffee Bean :)

Me and colleagues were having Coffee Bean today in the office! Superb nice to have such things happen once in a while in work <3

Being in the new environment, meeting with new people, and getting the chance to learn new things lead me to a better and contented life!

Honestly, I feel very grateful for who I am today. Whatever that had happened to me, let me learn to become a better and stronger one!

Of course, things just don't stop at this point of time! I got to be more hardworking and do my best in my life! Believe everyone out there are doing their best too! Hoik Hoik!!

"The things you lost won't bring harm to you, in fact, they let you learn to be stronger!"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Officially 2 dozen!

- My Birthday Mug - 

I am officially 24th!

Celebrated my BIG day with few friends and received lots of birthday wishes from friends in every corner of the world!!

I am very happy and have had a special yet memorable birthday celebration this year! We went to Nagomi Shabu Shabu for dinner. The food was awesome! I love them all... 

Later, we went to drink and play pool. Then, drink again with my Flamming Lamborgini!

Thanks a lot! Love you all now and always <3 

"You are just lovely, kind and special! Be happy before you bring happiness to others"

Friday, June 22, 2012


O'briens 的咖啡












